UPDATE: We’ve announced the winners!
Starting right out of the gates after joining Exposed DC, Instant DC is launching an open call for photography by D.C.-area photographers starting now through September 1, 2014.
We are partnering with the Washington School of Photography, which is graciously hosting a free opening night celebration October 3, and showcasing the exhibition for an entire month. More details about the opening night soon.
Highlights and rules for submitting:
1. Exposed DC, Instant DC, and the Washington School of Photography will print, frame, and hang your image(s) should they be selected, so all you have to do is pay the submission fee of $25 for up to 4 images. You may submit an unlimited number of batches at 4 for $25.
2. Selections will be chosen by a panel of judges including photography professor E. Brady Robinson and photojournalist Keith Lane. All judging is blind, winners will be notified after the judging process is over, in early September 2014.
3. Submit your best photographs. While you need to be a resident of the Washington D.C. metro area, there is no category delimiter, geographic requirement, or theme for this call, each piece will be judged on its own artistic merit, as with past Exposed DC shows.
4. Images must be at least 1024 pixels on the shortest side. Your image may be disqualified if you cannot provide a high enough resolution image for printing and framing.
5. All framed works will be on sale for $250 at the exhibition, this will be a great opportunity to support local photographers and take home a unique one-of-a-kind piece of art. The Washington School of Photography and Exposed DC will share 40% commission on sales.
6. Prizes will go to the first, second, and third place winners, with five honorable mentions. Prizes may be both sponsored gifts as well as monetary up to $500 in value.