Our links this week include images from the world under a microscope, the raising of the Costa Concordia, and two examples of old becoming new again.
- One incredibly sad image from the Navy Yard tragedy this week spread quickly on social media. First it was deemed related to the shooting, then it was discredited, and finally it has been shown to be one of the victims of the horrible tragedy.
- The world is really creepy at the microscopic level and these photos can show you just how much. Steel and shark skin look very tough, and marijuana appears exactly like you would imagine.
- National Geographic launched a new photo blog this week called PROOF. If this collaborative video interview with 44 photographers is any indication, there will be a lot to look forward to on the new blog.
- If you’ve ever wondered about the history of your neighborhood, the reality is that sometimes you may not want to know. Photographer and historian Marc Hermann has taken crime scene images from the NY Daily news archive and merged them with photographs of the locations as they are now. Warning, there are very graphic images on this link.
- What is old is still new. Photographer Martin Parr has a new book out, but it is loaded with images from his early career in rural England.
- The Costa Concordia was finally raised this week, and the images of the 19-hour ordeal are fascinating.
- “The tiger shares 96% of its genes with the house cat.” Cuddling with your kitten may never be the same.