Don’t forget to register for our initial set of free photography classes through Knowledge Commons DC, including sessions on street photography and street portraits from the accomplished Jim Darling and Gerry Suchy respectively. Stay tuned for a whole new slew of classes coming up in October! And mark your calendars for our Photobook Happy Hour at WeWork Wonder Bread on September 12 from 6 to 8pm. Happy Friday!
- Congratulations to STRATA‘s Chris Suspect, whose D.C. hardcore music show images will be among those on display in the Leica Gallery at Photokina in Cologne, Germany.
- The APA announced the winners of their 2014 Annual Awards Competition.
- Russian Photographer Andrei Stenin was sadly found dead this week in Ukraine.
- Oliver Blohm finds out what happens when you put your instant film in the microwave.
- The International Space Station got a new 800mm lens, and the photos are pretty great.
- Where every dog is a weiner: Photos from the annual Labor Day Weiner Dog Race.
- DC Focused is a new blog “Chronicling Life in the District.”
- Iceland is erupting, and the photos are so damn cool. It’s also not the only place erupting this week. In case you were wondering what it is like for people living near volcanoes, Eric Lafforgue has been capturing their day to day lives.
- “Looking back, working conditions back in the day were a dream. We got great salaries, flew business class and were given the time to do the job right. There were even occasions when the photo editor would say: ‘the images aren’t quite right yet. Travel back there and get some more.’” Interview with long time Magnum photographer Thomas Hoepker.
- Who do you want to be? Or, more accurately, who could you have been? Czech photographer Dita Pepe takes these musings quite literally, re-imaging (their word) her life in a hundred different scenarios in her series “Self Portraits with Men”
- Peng Yangjun has been capturing the beautiful face-kini trend in China.
- “Chinese photographer Fan Ho spent the ’50s and ’60s photographing street life in Hong Kong. His work, to be published in his new book “Fan Ho: A Hong Kong Memoir,” reaches back through time and space to connect us to the everyday sights of this bustling metropolis in a way that many of us have never seen before.”
- REI is offering local photography classes.
- Do you know when you need a model release? The Capital Photography Center breaks it down for you.
- It is not the work for which he is most know, but the Met has a large collection of Walker Evan’s locomotive photos.
- Indonesian photographer Yudy Sauw’s stunning macro pictures of insects look as though they were taken by a scientist in a lab. Turns out he “likes bugs” and that it’s “just a hobby.”
Photographer Danila Tkachenko won the 2014 World Press Photo contest for his pictures of hermits. Tkachenko spent three years locating and photographing people who live in the wilderness of Russia and Ukraine.
- And finally, an Australian Zoo celebrated the first birthday of their two tiger cubs.