Two of our favorite street photographers, John Ulaszek and Chris Suspect, headed over to the United House of Prayer for All People’s annual parade and performance on Memorial Day weekend. They put together this great slideshow of their work — enjoy, and turn on the sound so you can really immerse yourself in the scene.
In Frame: May 19, 2014
I don’t know why anyone would make a puppy that looks so sad. Chris Chen photographed this stuffed animal sitting on the sidewalk alone, left out of playing hula hoop, and it makes this fake dog seem even more desperate and alone than a toy should ever be.
In Frame: May 14, 2014

It’s the time of year to dance in the streets! Alfredo Herrera caught these two box-stepping for change downtown last week.
In Frame: March 31, 2014
Is this life imitating art, or art imitating life? Photographer Messay Shoakena did a great job positioning these men on the street in front of the silhouettes of people in the background. Their bad weather posture is also a nice contrast to the happy advertisement.
In Frame: November 19, 2013

It is particularly weird that we can only see the bottom half of this man, while he leans into the crevice between two buildings. But it is the second realization, that a large stream of water is trickling out beneath his legs, which gives this image from John Ulaszek its “huh?” factor.