Hurry up and get your tickets to tomorrow’s big opening night of the 2015 Exposed DC Photography Show! You’ll enjoy two floors of magnificent images by local photographers and get one of the first looks at Capital Fringe‘s spiffy new home in Trinidad. While you’re there you can buy a copy of the 2015 Exhibition magazine for $10, featuring 28 full-color pages with all the images in the show, or you can order one online and get a free digital copy along with it (or get the digital copy solo for just $2).
The weather is going to be completely gorgeous, so we’ll be toasting to our photographers and to the arrival of spring on Capital Fringe’s big patio with some of Bluejacket‘s finest brews:
- Forbidden Planet – Dry-Hopped Kolsch
- Lost Weekend – Citra IPA
- A Little Golden Gem – Kumquat Gose
- Full Bloom – Funky Farmhouse Ale
Then join us after the exhibit opening on the roof at Red Rocks just a couple of blocks away.
We can’t wait to see you at the show on Thursday!