- Roger May’s epic project “Looking at Appalachia” opened this week in Spartanburg, SC. The project sets out to dispel stereotypes and redefine how the region is portrayed. The exhibit includes two photographs by Exposed DC alum Josh Yospyn.
- An interview with award-winning photojournalist Q. Sakamaki about the “art of the politico-socio-documentary.”
- A high schooler faces suspension for taking and posting completely reasonable photos of other students.
- Protesters in Burundi use a broad range of materials to hide their identities.
- Distressing images of an oil spill off the Santa Barbara coast.
- In Jeffrey Milstein’s series of aerial photographs, “Cruise Ships,” the amazing designs of the floating behemoths seem clear and even beautiful.
- Photo London is the English capital’s first ever photography fair, featuring nearly 70 of the world’s leading photography galleries.
- Baltimore in color: Patrick Joust’s vintage-looking photos of modern-day Charm City.
- Richard Prince is selling other people’s Instagram photos without their permission for up to $100,000 each.
- Five years ago, Sasha Maslov started making intimate portraits of men and women from around the world who served in the World War II.
- Two great volcanic eruption anniversaries were observed this week: Mount St. Helens, 35 years ago (here’s a gallery from the USGS and a story on PBS); and Lassen Peak, 100 years ago.
- A backyard squirrel poses with an umbrella for British photographer Max Ellis.