This iPhone shot by Victoria Pickering makes great use of heavy contrast and grain to add an air of mystery and eeriness, and negative space to emphasize the two subjects.
for the love of DC photography
By James Calder
This iPhone shot by Victoria Pickering makes great use of heavy contrast and grain to add an air of mystery and eeriness, and negative space to emphasize the two subjects.
By James Calder
Victoria Pickering‘s dramatically cool photo leaves me with questions. Why is the subject standing in the open door with feet planted? Was the subject posing for Victoria, or for another photographer? Is the subject a mannequin? Has the zombie apocalypse begun?
By Meaghan Gay
I don’t know why anyone would make a puppy that looks so sad. Chris Chen photographed this stuffed animal sitting on the sidewalk alone, left out of playing hula hoop, and it makes this fake dog seem even more desperate and alone than a toy should ever be.
By Heather Goss
It’s the time of year to dance in the streets! Alfredo Herrera caught these two box-stepping for change downtown last week.
By Meaghan Gay
It’s difficult to imagine a scenario that would warrant two megaphones being used on a busy city sidewalk, but we think that Bill Cosby does not approve. Photo by Chris Suspect, who risked losing all of his hearing to make this photo.