Plenty of links to love this week: A new photo blog by an Exposed DC photographer, the 2014 Pulitzer Prize winners, and the VP joins Instagram. Enjoy!
- UPDATED: The film Finding Vivian Maier will be playing for at least a week
for one nightat the E Street Cinema starting April 25. (Thanks to Ron Freudenheim for the correction!) - A photo shoot of Claire Shipman and Jay Carney in Washingtonian Mom caught some flack online for the excessive us of photoshop.
- Jeff Bauman, the man who was featured in one of the most iconic photos in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing, wrote an op-ed piece about the photograph.
- The 2014 Pulitzer Prize winners were announced this week, including Taylor Hicks of the New York Times for Breaking News Photography, for his coverage of a terrorist attack in a mall in Kenya, and Josh Haner, also of the New York Times, for Feature Photography.
- Our own Sanjay Suchak has a new photo blog that you should check out.
- The NoMa Parks Foundation is holding an Underpass Competition to find artists or architects interested in re-designing several underpass areas. It would be cool to see work from photographers installed in these public spaces.
- Photographer Peter Macdiarmid has overlayed photos from World War I over modern photos of Europe.
- Asher Svidensky’s photo essay on a 13-year old Mongolian girl training to hunt with eagles is worth seeing.
- Joe Biden joined Instagram this week.
- When you stake out an airport and take photos of planes taking off and they go viral, you may hear from airport authorities. This happened to photographer Mike Kelley, but in a way you would not expect.
- And finally, two mistreated German circus tigers are being saved and transported to a zoo in the UK. The tigers were reportedly happy to hear that they were not going to Copenhagen.