In this week’s stockpile of Friday Links: tintype is the new black; dogs dressed as aliens and UFOs; an interview with a former Exposed winner; and Russian family portraits with tigers.
- Former Exposed winner Monique Atherton was interviewed by ARTFILE Magazine about her work. “Combining my impression of humanity with my relationship to the rural landscape, I’ve attempted to answer the age old question of ‘What’s the point?'”
- At the National Building museum students are using photographs and stories to explore the history of D.C.’s Shaw neighborhood.
- Smithsonian Magazine’s 11th annual photo contest is open. The Smithsonian Air & Space Magazine photo contest is also open.
- Photoshelter has a great breakdown of the Robert Caplin vs. Perez Hilton case and how difficult the financial situation becomes when filing suit for copyright infringement.
- Cue the X-Files music! In Roswell, NM this weekend canine aliens invaded the town.
- Looking for new photo editing software now that Adobe has switched to a subscription model? PDN gives a review of an open source option.
- Need a little assist on how to shoot more creatively? Picture Correct offers a street photography cheat sheet.
- Film’s not Dead spoke to a couple going truly OG – they made a tintype trailer. They probably won’t need that open source editing software.
- Trend alert: tintype. Ed Drew was deployed to Afghanistan and made tintypes of fellow soldiers. Drew made “the first tintypes made in a combat zone since the Civil War.”
- Tired of lugging around a ton of gear? Zach Arias discusses going DSLR free.
- And lastly, what is a Friday Link post without a a tiger? Russian circuses are offering family portraits with wild animals. Kinda makes that laser background you had in the 4th grade seem so pedestrian.