In this week’s edition of Friday links we’ve got beautiful transportation architecture, winning thievery, a city that’s too smoggy to photograph, and discount pooch adoption.
- One of our favorite local photographers, Pat Padua, is putting together a list of movies about photographers. Have you seen them all? Got any more suggestions for him?
“We are almost at the point where one has to seriously ask if a photo doesn’t get any likes did it ever really happen?” PDN Online interviews Chris Suspect (whose photos make it onto this site with some frequency).
- WMATA’s got nothing on the Moscow metro stations.
- Ouch: The winning photo in Samsung’s latest Instagram contest was stolen. Reminds us a little of Sherrie Levine’s “After Walker Evens” reappropriation exhibit.
- Benedict Cumberbatch used paparazzi at his Sherlock set to send out a four-page message about government privacy invasions.
- Try not to have an asthma attack while taking your photo in front of blue-sky backdrops in Hong Kong.
- We all saw this coming: Canon’s new PowerShot has an instant “post to Facebook” button.
- “Don’t show up wearing the clothes you slept in” and 18 other common sense ways to not become a hated photographer.
- Aww, the Obamas have added to their squee-family. And tried to make up for not adopting a shelter pooch by donating an unknown sum to the Washington Humane Society, which is offering 25% off adoption fees through August, so now’s the time to get one of these ridiculously huggable creatures to add to your family.
- Finally, your weekly tiger link: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Endangered Tiger.