What great timing for this shot by Andy Feliciotti. Apart from being struck by the framing and symmetry of the shot, I was most curious about the circumstances of its creation. There wasn’t anything on Flickr about that so I contacted Andy to find out.
Andy told me that the photo was taken at the Techworld Plaza building in D.C. (around 8th and I Streets NW), as I had suspected.
What I wasn’t expecting, however, was this revelation: “After editing the shot and aligning everything, I realized it was missing something so I sifted through my 10k+ photo library and found a plane flying overhead that I’d shot at the Pentagon. Sorry to tell you it’s fake.”
I felt let down, but at the same time glad to receive an honest answer. This image isn’t part of our annual contest (where such manipulation would render the photo ineligible) so I decided to share it here because it’s still a fantastic photo, even without the plane.
What are your thoughts on photo manipulation? It’s been a hot topic lately in the world of photojournalism (as we’ve noted in Friday Links recently).