Kevin Wolf proves once again that an everyday object, in as unexciting a place as a gas station, can still make for a stunning and intriguing shot.
for the love of DC photography
By James Calder
Kevin Wolf proves once again that an everyday object, in as unexciting a place as a gas station, can still make for a stunning and intriguing shot.
By Meaghan Gay
Shopping for fresh fish in the grocery story just got a whole lot easier. Photo shot on (or in) the Potomac by Brett Davis.
By Meaghan Gay
The end of summer brings many rituals: from the start of the school year, to the beginning of football season, to the annual doggie swim at local pools. This pooch seems to be enjoying his shake-off, and the way his face is contorting is priceless. Nicely done Rob Cannon.
By James Calder
Better late than never, right? July and August lacked the D.C. summer standard: daily, oppressive heat and humidity broken briefly by afternoon/evening thunderstorms. September has changed all that, and Richard Barnhill caught this splendid lightning shot on Tuesday night as proof.
By James Calder
Thank you Paul Sirajuddin not only for giving us this entertaining image, but also for planting one of the most unspeakably insidious earworms ever in my brain. Nothing’s going to stop it now.