Another beautifully composed image from Victoria Pickering. The framing of the structure is nice, but the people in the background make the shot.
for the love of DC photography
By Meaghan Gay
Another beautifully composed image from Victoria Pickering. The framing of the structure is nice, but the people in the background make the shot.
By James Calder
This double portrait by Patrick Wright is at once disconcerting and striking, a study in contrasting emotions and appearances. The image is part of his ongoing dcmetromoments series.
By Meaghan Gay
This lovely image by Jano Silva combines a touch of old fashioned with a taste of modern. The contrast of the anonymous, fedora hat wearing man, the pop art cake, and the beautiful window light make for a great photo.
By James Calder
Today’s atmospheric shot is by John Sonderman. The shallow depth of field makes the figure on the left hard to identify definitively. Is it a person, a person on horseback, or a centaur perhaps?
By Meaghan Gay
A beautiful fall sunset photo by Erin Kelly, taken at the Jefferson Memorial.