Our 18th annual Exposed DC Photography Show is just two weeks away! We can’t wait to celebrate local photography with our amazing community. Get all the details and reserve your spot at the opening reception by snagging your tickets now, and we’ll see you on Friday, July 12 at Fathom Gallery Georgetown!
- Multiple Exposures Gallery issued a Call for New Members, inviting local photographers interested in gallery membership to apply. They’ll hold two optional information sessions on July 21 and August 16 to provide guidance to prospective applicants.
- Chris Suspect will be presenting a slideshow and book talk about “Truly Blessed” at Maryland Meadworks in Hyattsville tomorrow at 7:00 p.m., free. There will be a conversation with Jason Hamacher of Lost Origins Gallery and Bilal Ali, book contributor and photographic subject, about race, sexuality, and faith, and the discrimination that queer African Americans face on all three fronts.
- On Sunday, the Truly Blessed exhibit closes at Lost Origins Gallery from 3:00-6:00 p.m. with a special live podcast of Stage Craft with legendary DC music producer Don Zientara and Alex Vidales of the band Pilot Waves. Bilal Ali will also speak to the exhibit.
- Stop by HEMPHILL to see Franz Jantzen’s exhibit before it closes tomorrow.
- Photojournalists shared about the unsustainability of working for national publications in a recent survey.
- The free annual #BWPSummit is this weekend and features 18 speakers from around the world.
- An impressively timed photo of Japanese gymnast Daiki Hashimoto has been crowned the overall winner of the 2024 World Sports Photography Awards.