- Leica Store DC will present a photography slideshow projection in Blagden Alley showcasing a series of emerging and established local photographers, Thursday, July 30, 8 to 10 p.m.
- This is your last weekend to see “In the Light of the Past: Twenty-Five Years of Photography” at the National Gallery of Art.
- Kyle Cassidy took portraits of the scientists who helped make those groundbreaking Pluto photos possible.
- Want to work as the photojournalist for America’s Test Kitchen?
- Yannis Behrakis documents the plight of pensioners impacted by Greece’s financial crisis.
- In 1949, LIFE went behind the scenes to document the fashionable, high-flying lifestyle of the independent women at “the home of the American circus” in Sarasota, Florida.
- Here’s what happens when a celeb says no to a nude shoot.
- Michael Borek’s penchant for old and quiet places took him to a lace factory where generations of immigrants toiled, including Hillary Rodham Clinton’s grandfather.
- The neurotic, sexy, and gross world of food-eating competitions.
- Flickr is bringing back “Pro” options: benefits include analytics and no ads.
- A manatee was spotted in the Chesapeake Bay.