- Five photography educators will take part in Mid-Atlantic Photo Visions’ webinar and awards ceremony on Sunday. A pass for all five presentations is $50 or $30 for members of the photography clubs that organize MAPV annually.
- TIME and the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) joined forces to establish a new global photographic portraiture competition. Entries are due by November 7, and the fees are $15 for single image and $55 for a series.
- For 20 years, Seymour Licht has spent Halloween exploring New York’s Subway to capture outlandish costumes amidst everyday scenes of trains and stations.
- Check out Microcosm-Macrocosm, a group photography exhibition, in the lower gallery at Studio Gallery through November 18.
- Jesús Madriñán is the third guest of DC.es, a project where five Spanish photographers from the Spanish Academy in Rome share their gazes of Washington through their lenses. The exhibit will be up through November 24 at SPAIN arts & culture.
- The DC Film Collective and Capitol Hill Arts Workshop Darkroom are hosting a show and tell at Doubles Coffee / Sonny’s Pizza at 12 p.m. on November 12.
- The Kills’ new album, God Games, includes a pair of photographs that accompany each set of song lyrics selected by the band members to illustrate each track.
- Submit your best music photography to the DC Street Photography Collective by midnight tonight to be part of their event at Slash Run next week featuring the work of Jim Saah and Matt Cabani. Tickets for the event are $20 and available now.