Our last free photography class through Knowledge Commons DC opened for registration today. Sign up now to learn street photography techniques from professional instructor Gerry Suchy next Saturday, September 20 at 10 a.m. Gerry will have one more class on September 27. UPDATE: The Sept 20 class is full! You can still sign up for the waitlist. Get ready early NEXT FRIDAY when registration opens for the Sept. 27 class.
Join us TONIGHT for our Photobook Happy Hour at WeWork Wonder Bread less than a block from the Shaw metro, 6 to 8 p.m. The event is free, and you can browse great books by Chris Suspect, Mambu Badu, Adam Ryder, Michael Andrade, and Keith Campbell — and talk to the artists about how they went about publishing their work. Everitt Clark will also be there with his soon-to-be-published prints and the 4″x5″ large format camera he uses.
- Printing your mobile photos just got a lot easier with Mpix Tap To Print app.
- The deadline for the DC State Fair annual photo contest is approaching fast. Get your photos in by Sept 15. (There’s not much submitted right now, so your chances of winning are pretty good!)
- “I would love for people to care about young talented photographers before they are killed.” The New York Times takes a look at the dangers facing photojournalists.
- The Library of Congress opened a new online photo archive that contains thousands of images of life during the Great Depression.
- If you have an extra $26,000 lying around, the new Mamiya Leaf looks pretty amazing.
- Scientists from the University of Surrey explain how to take a decent selfie. Among their tips, taking a photo from arm’s length can make portraits look “bulbous” with a “big nose and vanishing ears,” like the famous “monkey selfie.”
- Faceplanting into the couch is so much more fun in the Oval Office.
- The latest D.C. arts commission public art project seems to be neither local, nor remaining public art very long.
- China has the best photo trends, and this one is no exception. Nothing says ‘I Love You’ like posing together in expensive clothes while swimming underwater.
- Photographer Angela Castillo caught all the sad dads at a One Direction concert.
- Cool photos of people playing with clouds and forced perspective.
- Washington Photo Safari is offering a photo class at Mount Vernon this fall.
- Opening tonight at Vivid Solutions is Jared Soares photo series of a basketball court at Barry Farms.
- And finally, baby tigers getting along with Bluejays? Anything is possible.