Registration is open for our first set of free photography classes through Knowledge Commons DC! Take some fantastic images like this one by Robb Hohmann at Gravelly Point next Tuesday, September 2, or Saturday, September 6, with our talented teacher Chris Williams. Our classes on street photography and impromptu portraiture will open soon.
- Read this editorial from John Naughton on why he loves his Leica.
- One of the great things about photography is how you can do so much with so little. Martin Kimbell takes stunning photos using a hula hoop and LED lights.
- “This week, Mr. Adelman will become, in essence, a photographer in residence at the Library of Congress, a position created to draw attention to the importance of the medium in American life.” Adelman’s work is full of interesting social commentary.
- You will think this is amazing or creepy as can be, photographs from a doll hospital in Syndney. The steaming baby head is particularly amazing.
- If you like your food to color coordinate, you will like the work of Emily Blincoe.
- Patricia Lay-Dorsey was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1988, and has been documenting her life in photographs for the last six years.
- Getty looks back at the work of Stanley Green, who won their award in 2011 for his documentary work on toxic electronic waste.
- A crazy cat lady/nurse in Peru cares 175 cats with feline leukemia; there are photos by Martin Mejia.
- To raise money for tigers, a group last week streaked the London zoo some in painted on tiger costumes.