There’s just over a week left to view the 15th annual Exposed DC Photography Show in Mount Pleasant. The show closes on Sunday, July 11, so be sure to swing by before then. You can also join us from 1-3 p.m. on the closing day to chat with the Exposed DC team and featured photographers as well as purchase an exhibition magazine. All of the images in the show are also available for purchase at first time art buyer prices, so you can view your favorite image at home or in the office even after the show closes.
- View the finalists from the Photoworks Photo Slam 2021, including the winners who will exhibit in the Photoworks 2022 Gallery.
- Photographer Mitch Dobrowner captures some of nature’s most dramatic and overpowering shows of force in his black-and-white images of storm cells.
- After years of feeling shame about their gender identity, Ian Morton turned to conceptual self-portraiture to envision what pride looks like for them.
- Join the DC Street Photography Collective, DCSPC, on July 8 at Slash Run for a night of photography with two-time Pulitzer prize winner Lucian Perkins, $15. Larry Cohen from the Observe Collective and Melissa Lyttle from aphotoaday.org will be participating in the critique as well.
- Black Women Photographers share stories and pictures on the theme of “home.”
- Mangrove Action Project launched its 7th annual Mangrove Photography Awards to illustrate the importance and diversity of life in mangrove forests, engage audiences in mangrove issues and stories, whilst inspiring people to take conservation action.
- B&H Photo is hosting an online introduction to photography workshop with classes and critiques, each Wednesday in July.