- Join Focus on the Story next Friday the 22nd at 4:00 p.m. as Lloyd Wolf reveals the backstory behind his famous image of a young girl wearing a lion’s mask that appears in the opening title sequence for the show Homeland.
- Acclaimed photographers from around the world share a single image reflecting on their experience of the coronavirus outbreak.
- A group of wet plate photographers in North Dakota are mailing objects to each other to use as props in photographs created as part of a quarantine art collaboration.
- Leather Boyz, the second of four books to be published by Exposed alum Chris Suspect in 2020, explores the gay BDSM scene through 51 black and white images photographed over seven years. Presales for the book opened this morning, and the first edition will have a unique design featuring several gatefold spreads and a blue film dust jacket.
- BYT has started sharing COVID photo essay series, ranging from exploring all 131 neighborhoods of D.C. to remembering galleries and venues with Exposed alum Chris Chen. If you’d like to submit a photo essay, you can email info@brightestyoungthings.com.
- If you’re looking for photography ideas to keep you busy at home, consider putting color theory into practice.
- “Crap Wildlife Photography” is a Facebook Group dedicated to hilariously bad animal photos, from unintentional photobombs to a bird’s awkward landing on water.