As we find ourselves in the midst of this unprecedented time in our lives, confronting the coronavirus outbreak and the impact it’s having on so many lives, we wanted to acknowledge this bizarre situation and share some resources that might be of use. You may also find that documenting these times is not just for posterity’s sake but also a way of processing it all. We hope you all stay safe and healthy while we navigate through this difficult time.
- Adobe offers free Creative Cloud packages for students stuck at home due to coronavirus. There are also reports that if you go to cancel your existing account, you’ll receive an offer for 60 days free.
- Popular Photography shares some tips for freelance photographers affected by the coronavirus outbreak.
- The Small Business Administration is offering guidance and loan resources to help small businesses navigate the current situation. D.C. businesses can start applying now for assistance in the form of economic injury disaster loans.
- Whether you are looking for ways to contribute or you need some assistance yourself, here’s a comprehensive list of resources for the D.C. area (via thepinklineconnects.us). Be sure to check all of the tabs.
- The British Journal of Photography also has some ideas and suggestions for how to support the photography community and beyond.
- Need an overall break from it all and a little pick me up? Here are some cuddling, backpack-wearing, and otherwise adorable animals.