- Our call for entries for the next Crystal City Fotowalk closes this Sunday at midnight. Submit your photos that explore how color is seen, captured, and used in photography for a chance to be part of the exhibition which will open this spring.
- The Community Collective Pop-up Series Volume 4 will be held this Sunday at Creative Hands Studio, 3-6 p.m. Twenty photographers, including several Exposed alum, will be sharing their images on the theme of light.
- The DC Street Photography Collective is having a meet up tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. at Ben’s Chili Bowl. Everyone interested in street photography is welcome.
- Netflix invited eight photographers to the set of The OA: Part II during production to create a series of promotional images with guidance from the showrunners.
- The New York Times shares its take on the best photos from the 76th Pictures of the Year International.
- Visions and Reflections, an exhibit featuring the work of Roberto Fernández Ibáñez, opens at Photoworks at Glen Echo Park today. A reception and gallery talk will be held tomorrow, 5-7 p.m.
- Two underwater photographers teamed up on a campaign to illustrate the effects of trawling, a method of fishing that involves pulling a net through the water behind boats.
- Photographers share their thoughts on Instagram and potential alternative platforms for sharing images.