- This evening from 6 to 7:30 p.m., join the D.C. chapter of Moms Demand Action at The Potter’s House in Adams Morgan for the opening of an exhibit by Joe Quint. Joe uses photography to raise awareness about the effects of gun violence. (Perhaps you answered his solicitation for assistants that we posted a few weeks ago for this project.)
- 11:59pm tonight is the deadline for WATCH ME, a Juried Youth Photography Exhibition at Photoworks Gallery at Glen Echo Park. Photographers must be 18 or younger.
- Tomorrow, head to Leica Store DC at 11 a.m. for a photo walk led by Holly Garner (IGDC founder and Exposed alum) and Kyle Myles (who was featured in our 12 Photographers exhibit at Crystal City last winter). You could even win an ONA camera bag.
- With 170,000+ followers on Instagram, so popular he’s kept on retainer by several restaurants, this 22-year-old has become D.C.’s most influential food photographer.
- Remember the monkey selfie controversy? That case was heard by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday; Motherboard explains the battle for the copyright.
- And remember the viral photo of a Canadian dad calmly mowing his lawn while a tornado rages behind him? Now he’s locally famous.
- It’s a little hard to visit, but there’s now a permanent photo exhibition in low Earth orbit.
- This photo gallery from a warehouse in Colorado shows a “mausoleum for endangered species.”
- TSA photo ruffles Instagram users’ feathers. Also, not sure how we missed the prequel.