Be sure to head down to our Crystal City FotoWalk exhibit to enjoy the work of 12 local photographers.
- FotoweekDC is nearing its end, so catch what you can soon. At least stop by headquarters at National Geographic to see winners from the annual contest, a fantastic WPOW show, and an exhibit of NatGeo’s most popular Instagrams.
- DISTRICT II, an exhibition by the Historical Society of Washington D.C. of three local photographers from the mid- to late-20th century, opens Saturday at the National Building Museum.
- It’s officially last minute, but you can still get tickets to the 13th annual Transformer Silent Auction, one of the biggest art supporting events of the year, for Saturday night.
- “Video-art pioneer Bill Viola believes that cameras are the keepers of souls.” An exhibit of Viola’s work, “The Moving Portrait,” opens at the National Portrait Gallery today.
- “All Cameras are Good Cameras,” says this A+ headline for a story about a photo taken by Devon Allen during Baltimore’s Freddie Gray protests that shows how social media can further social change.
- A gallery of the “Beaver” Supermoon from around the world.
- The Guardian has some incredible before and after pictures of a ridiculously huge sinkhole in Japan that was fixed in two days.
- The deadline for the Los Angeles Times summer photo/video journalist internship is December 1.
- Need holiday gifts that show your love for D.C.? Get a framed print of one of the many wonderful past Exposed winners.
- Watch this polar bear pet a dog, as one does.