It’s Friday, so it’s time for most of us to finish up work and try to relax – which I’ll try not to say in every single Friday In Frame, though it’s likely to continue influencing my choices. It’s been a particularly long week, so I was searching the pool for something soothing. Some lovely flora will sometimes do the trick, or perhaps a sunset over the water, and there’s always the cute doggie route. But then you run across this and have to start all over again. I kept coming back to this incredible street portrait by Lynford Morton. The lines are just perfect, with the trumpet parallel to the framing arch. The blue cast, that’s surely coming from the vibrant displays on the Verizon Center, makes it look as though our musician, who is somehow mastering the look of easy intensity, is standing on a club stage rather than the sidewalk. As Lynford noted on Flickr, “A guy in the crowd requested some New Orleans themed song, and when they got going, you couldn’t tell you weren’t on Bourbon Street.” And indeed, the entire image radiates that feeling.