You hear that warning klaxon? It’s reminding you that tomorrow is your final chance to see the 2015 Exposed DC Photography Show! So run, don’t walk to Capital Fringe HQ at 1358 Florida Ave NE this Saturday, April 11, from 4 to 8 p.m. for our closing reception. There’s no charge to come in and spend some time with these 42 fabulous local photographs, alongside the Exposed team and many of the photographers themselves! Drinks will be available for purchase at the bar, so we hope you’ll stop by for a visit. The photos are for sale at the reception, or via our online marketplace through April 11. And while you’re at the reception you can nab a copy of our official exhibition program for $10, or order it online here.
And now here’s this week’s round-up of photography-related tidbits:
- Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you should know the cherry blossoms reach their peak bloom this Saturday through next Tuesday. The Cherry Blossom Festival Parade is Saturday, and there are a ton more events to partake in and photograph. If you’re not up for the crowds at the Tidal Basin, get the Cherry Picker app from the National Journal to find a tree near you, or head straight to my favorite spots Dumbarton Oaks or Kenwood.
- Congrats to photography-centered gallery Vivid Solutions, and its partner gallery, Honfleur (which hosted one of our most fun photography exhibits with local fashion designers in 2009) for winning Washington City Paper’s Staff Pick for “Best One-Two Gallery Punch.“
- The Fairfax County Parks Authority has finally agreed on a new photography permit policy which cuts fees, but which fails to address many other concerns voiced by photographers, according to Kat Forder.
- Momenta Workshops is now on Instagram: @momentaworkshops
- The Creative Media Institute offers a four-week seminar over the summer for photographers and videographers.
- Barb Peacock spent 33 years capturing the subtle changes in her small New England town.
- Madge Stager, who was a photo editor for the Associated Press for 40 years before she retired in 2009, died Monday at the age of 61.
- “I have an anecdote for you,” said Elliott Erwitt. “I was hired to do a fashion shoot with a monkey. And the monkey was supposed to ape the same movements as the model. I discovered that my day rate was $250 a day. And the monkey’s day rate was $350 a day. This is a true story.”
- Apple is killing off its iPhoto program and has begun replacing it with the new Photos app.
- Photo blog It’s Just Light advises you on which waterproof cameras to get for your summer snorkeling trips.
- “This is what happens when you leave a GoPro out on the sea ice.” Or: scenes from a nightmare penguin dentistry school.
- A pretty incredible Astronomy Picture of the Day of the April 4 lunar eclipse over the Golden Gate Bridge.
- A heartwarming story of a polar bear and his snowball. Play first, then sleep.