- A Navy veteran in Missouri said he was fired from his job and called a terrorist for posting pictures to Facebook of Homeland Security vehicles amassing near Ferguson.
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art has released a vast archive of 400,000 (mostly) hi-resolution digital images that you can download and use for non-commercial purposes.
- Exposed winner Victoria Pickering will have one of her images on display in Times Square.
- Photographer Bieke Depoorter has been asking strangers if she can spend the night in their homes. “She’s interested in building a relationship, however brief, and learning about the people she’s staying with… If she finds herself trying to make a good picture instead of experiencing and embracing the moment, she stops.”
- The sale may have ended, but the photos from the Magnum archive are still great.
- Julia Christe took awesome photos of many dogs and one cat flying mid-jump. The expression on the face of the boxer is priceless.
- The smog in Beijing is really, really bad and there are photos to prove it. “Zou Yi has been taking photos of the Beijing sky every day and uploading them to his personal Weibo account.“
- A short but interesting photo essay by photographer Phil Moore of what it’s like to live at the base of Nyiragongo, DR Congo’s very deadly volcano.
- Before there was a subdivision there was a farm. Photos by Scott Strazzante, who spent 20 years documenting the transition from farm to ticky tacky.
- Scientists have created artificial intelligence software able to recognize the content of photos and videos with such accuracy that it can sometimes mimic humans.
- In case you didn’t hear, there was a lot of snow in Buffalo this week. A lot.
- Remember way, way back in 2007 when Exposed DC (then DCist Exposed!) held the very first annual photography show at Warehouse? Owners Molly and Paul Ruppert are inviting everyone who’s exhibited there over the years to toast a final goodbye to the venue on December 6. (The art gallery has been closed for a few years, but now the Warehouse Theater and Passenger are joining it.)
- And finally, there was a large cat roaming near Disneyland Paris this week that turned out not to be a tiger. No word yet on if it was a Tigger.