- In the wake of recent bystander recordings seen in the news, the Washington Post has put together a short video primer on what you need to know about recording the police.
- “For the few foreign journalists who have had repeated access to the North, the views from the window become vital, offering counterpoints to the cascade of officially arranged scenes.” Six days in North Korea – photographs and video by David Guttenfelder.
- Polaroid’s new ZIP instant printer gets high marks, fits in your pocket, and costs $129 on Amazon plus $25 for each pack of 50 photo sheets. Consider mine purchased.
- Out of context you might be unsure of exactly what you’re looking at when you first see the images in Roland Fischer’s series “Facades.” They could be tiles or fabric patterns or perhaps optical illusions.
- D.C. photographer Andy DelGuidice reminisces about what hooked him on cheap color film.
- “Gaining the trust of the young men and women I portrayed in these photos wasn’t an immediate process.” A month in the life of the youth of Khartoum, Sudan, shot by Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah.
- Professional storm-chasing photographer Kelly DeLay captured a “shot of a lifetime” — a massive supercell storm cloud extending twin tornados to the ground below.
- By peering into the homes of strangers, Gail Albert Halaban hopes to bridge the gap of isolation and disconnectedness of living in large cities. And yes, she has the approval of her subjects.
- Leading up to the 68th Annual General Meeting of the Magnum Photos cooperative, its 60 active photographers were asked to select “an image that changed everything.”
- The Washington Football Team is hiring a photographer.
- Can’t a beaver scratch his bum in peace?